Classic Camera Collectors Club Informatif website of Frank Lakiere |
1. George Eastman
You can find more information on the founder of Eastman Kodak Company (EKC) in History of the Photography
2. Tables with all the Retina and Retinette models
Of all the KODAK cameras the Retina and Retinette are among the most interesting.
The history of the Kodak Retina begins when in 1931 the Dr. August Nagel Camerawerk in Stuttgart is taken over by Kodak.
Dr. Nagel remains in control of KODAK A.G. and when the Retina is developed he personally works on the design.
The first Retina (type 117) was marketed in 1934 and it was the first camera to make use of the new Daylight Loading Cassette (DLC). Due to the relatively low price of the Retina and the ease of use of the DLC this led to an explosive growth of 35mm photography.
The Retina camera and the Retinette, its lower priced cousin, were in production until 1941. The,n the german government requisitioned the plant to fabricate mechanical time fuses for the 88mm anti-aircraft ammunition.
Dr. Nagel died during the war in 1943.
KODAK A.G. was bombarded by the allied armies in may 1945.
After the war KODAK A.G. came under the control of the US army. Helmut Nagel, the son of Dr. August Nagel, became the new manager.
Soon KODAK A.G. produced parts to make Retina I (type 110) cameras. The first ones of these post-war Retinas came off the production line in novemebr 1945.
The Retina II (type 011) followed in the fall of 1946.
Other Retina and Retinette cameras were developed (Retina III - Retina reflex) and the production continued until 1969.
3. My collection of KODAK cameras
A collection is something dynamic. Mine has grown over the years but it also has changed.
First I collected only KODAK cameras but I soon discovered that this way a lot of intersting cameras were let out.
That is why my collection now includes cameras of other makers and the number of Kodak cameras has diminished.
My camera collection consists essentially of :
1. KODAK cameras, especially the German and French models
2. The KODAK Instamatics + intersting 126 format cameras of other brands
3. Twin Lens Reflex cameras (from the high end Rolleiflex to the humble Lubitel)
4. Interesting cameras made by Zeiss-Ikon, Voigtländer, Rollei,...
5. Coloured cameras

Other camera producers : Rollei, Voigtländer, Zeiss
1. Franke & Heidecke and the history of ROLLEI cameras
2. The history of Voigtländer cameras
3. The history of Zeiss cameras

How to use an old 620 camera with 120 film !!
Here is the information on how to respool 120 film so it can be used in 620 cameras